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Attending INSEAD from the US is a great opportunity to expand your knowledge, learn about other cultures, and experience true diversity. It is a much different experience than attending a US school, and very enriching. The program is hard, packing two years of curriculum into one makes for an intense, action-packed, and FUN year. The program is great, but you have to put in the effort to be successful. Future applicants should focus their essays on their diverse background and experiences, as well as what their background could add to the INSEAD experience to enrich the student body as a whole. Other than that, a high GMAT helps as well!
Classes are engaging and teachers are accessible.
INSEAD will happily feed you into a consulting job, and will foster your interest in Entrepreneurship. If you are looking for a less traditional post-MBA job, you will have to do the hunting and networking yourself.
Overall BSchool experience (4.0)
Schools contribution (3.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)
Student body, diversity
Alumni Network
Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Career opportunities provided by school