March 31, 2015

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"Working with Square One Prep was amazing. There are three key things to highlight about my experience.

Firstly, I was impressed by how my consultant educated me about the process (from the admissions committees' perspective) and helped me see that my dream school of Wharton was not out of the question despite my GMAT score (mid 600s).

Secondly, I appreciated my consultant's desire to get to know me as a person. Before we even began work on my resume and essays, she spent a substantial amount of time just talking to me about my background and motivations to attend business school. She raised a lot of questions I had not considered, and helped me craft applications that I felt were a true and holistic representation of me as a person.

Thirdly, since the first ‘get to know’ call, I was surprised by the very positive energy of my consultant, which was consistent throughout the process. In moments where I was feeling down, I got a lot of support and encouragement. In other moments (when I needed it), I received ‘tough love’.

This helped me stay focused and productive. I was also impressed by how sensitive my consultant was to my feelings during the whole process. For instance, when I was waiting for the results, she got in touch with me to make sure I was feeling fine.

Like I said, Square One Prep was amazing. The results prove it! In at Stanford and Wharton!"

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