February 03, 2023

Joined: Jul 27, 2020

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Re-applicant to scholar!

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“These b-schools are hyper competitive and I don’t see components that meet the bar.”

This stupendously demotivating piece of advice is the first piece of feedback that I received from an admissions consultant. Partly, I can’t blame them – I’m a part of the infamous IT Indian male cohort. And I’m a reapplicant.

Emma, on the other hand, went against the grain, took a step further and dove deeper into my profile. What she really excels at is understanding which parts of an applicant’s character, work experience, and extra-curriculars appeal to the folks sitting in the admissions office at the absolute top notch international b-schools.

From our very first meeting, I saw her experience stand out. With the dexterity of a well-seasoned surgeon, she cut into my character to understand which parts of story can be tailored to craft the perfect reapplication and stand out in an over-represented group.

She infused my application with, as a Gen Z faithful would say, “main-character energy” (words from my little cousin, not me.) I was reassured that I was in good hands, especially given the financial burden of such services.

The essays were as smooth as can be – each iterative feedback loop was productive, with clear TODOs and the reasons behind proposed changes.

The video essays were the highlight of the service – Emma, being an interviewer herself, was exceptional at giving me a blunt assessment of my mannerisms, for e.g. telling me when my body-language was off. This piece of advice seeped into my in-person interviews as well.

At the end of this process, I’m proud to say that I got to choose between Oxford, INSEAD, and LBS. And with scholarships from INSEAD and LBS! A privileged position to be in, a position that couldn’t have been reached without Emma.

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