Forum Home > GMAT > Quantitative > Problem Solving (PS)
Additional notes:
-Case Method: This method is absolutely powerful in learning how to process incomplete information quickly (what future managers will need to do). Secondly, this method is quite fun. Although participation is required, participating in a debate with your close friends/classmates is quite enjoyable as well.
-Students: The students are some of the most accomplished from the business world - having the option to ask any question to your class, and having someone who has experienced exactly that to support you is invaluable. However, there are even more accomplished people outside of the business world that provide even more diversity - Military, teachers, etc.
-Professors: Accomplished and smart professors that really know how to guide a conversation (in class) and willing to support you in any way (outside of class).
-Alumni: Very supportive bunch in terms of career, general advice. etc.
Suggestions for future applicants:
-Really understand the Case Method: the method is NOT for everyone. it requires effort, the ability to quickly make an argument, etc. Really make sure that you want this before applying/heading to HBS..
The curriculum although required your first year is quite good. The point of the case method as well as the way HBS recruits is that you learn a great deal from your classmates. You may be an expert in one class, you are there to teach the rest of your class, etc.
There isn't a better school for recruiting. The HBS brand is very strong and will open up many doors..
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity
Career opportunities provided by school
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)
Speciailization (if you want it)