December 13, 2023

Joined: Mar 04, 2023

Posts: 0

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q48 V41

640-720 Kind and Phenomenal Instructor!


Improvement 80 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor Harry Duthie

Location Online


Approach- Harry had a process to help get me to where I needed to be. This consisted of eliminating careless mistakes on easy/medium questions, controlling timing, and refining my problem solving abilities. This framework allowed me to quickly improve my performance and focus on harder problems.

Demeanor- Harry did an excellent job setting the right environment during our tutoring session. He is incredibly personable and cares about his student’s progress. I never felt encumbered while answering questions because of how Harry would react to an incorrect answer. Additionally, he did an amazing job to help me rebuild me confidence after two abysmal GMAT experiences. His constant positive yet honest reassurance helped me regain the confidence in my abilities.

Would make the product better:

Regarding Harry- nothing!

I turned to Harry thorough GMAT Ninja after two poor GMAT results following my taking courses from Princeton Review and Target Test Prep. I was struggling from inconsistencies between my official practice tests and the actual GMAT and didn't have a clear path forward. I turned to GMAT tutoring for help knowing that I needed a great GMAT score to get into my target schools.

I initially reached out to GMAT Ninja because I was familiar with their Youtube channel. After watching several of their videos, their approach to GMAT problem solving resonated with me(I found the characteristics that I valued from their Youtube videos certainly carried over into our tutoring sessions). After several emails back and forth with Charles I decided to partner with Harry and give the GMAT another attempt.

Harry immediately set about rebuilding my foundational approach to the GMAT for both Quant and Verbal. This meant eliminating careless errors and easy mistakes that were handicapping me on easy/medium questions. We then focused on getting my timing to be consistent by implementing various techniques and strategies that I didn’t have from my other preparation courses. Lastly we focused on refining problem solving strategies and reviewing mistakes on the harder problems.

In addition to Harry being a phenomenal instructor, here are some other things that stand out. Harry sets a learning environment- I always felt like I could make mistakes without judgement. Harry gives you honest feedback. Overall, Harry is a phenomenal instructor who helped me develop the skills and confidence needed to obtain my 720. My only regret is that I didn’t make the decision to partner with him sooner.

This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
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