July 14, 2021

Joined: Aug 28, 2019

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V42 (Online)

Custom-Tailored, Stress Free, No BS -- The BEST GMAT Tutors


Improvement 50 Points

Course GMAT Tutoring in English, Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic

Instructor GMAT Ninja

Location Online

GMATNinja was the sole reason I was able to achieve the GMAT score I needed. Prior to GMATNinja, I had spent hours and hours using an online GMAT course with little improvement and lots of frustration. Upon starting GMATNinja with Mike, I was put at ease and knew I made the right decision.

Rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach, Mike created a tailored approach for my learning and took the stress out of studying for me. He created custom homework sets that suited my weaknesses so I didn't have to worry or think about what I needed to practice everyday. During our weekly sessions, we would discuss my errors. Rather than asking me to completely change my strategy to questions, Mike would enhance my approach to questions by breaking down my thought processes. This led to significant organic improvement on my part. On certain questions that I especially struggled with in both quant and verbal, Mike taught me smart frameworks I could implement allowing me to confidently answer.

A few weeks into starting with GMATNinja, my GMAT prep became so efficient because of Mike's approach that I was doing more problems sets in less time while experiencing great improvement in my score. I made strides in the verbal section, which had been my biggest weakness. Even in the quant section, Mike was able to help me identify some changes I could make that resulted in me getting a few more points.

I recommend GMATNinja and Mike to anyone who wants to improve their score (no matter their starting point) in a stress-free manner. My only regret is that I wish I would've found them sooner!

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