December 03, 2016

Joined: Sep 22, 2013

Posts: 1

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Self-reported Score:
700 Q50 V35

test day experience


Hii All,
Finally took the test.Didnt fare that well,but would still like to share the whole experience and the do's and dont's that i feel should have been followed by me.
The test center of chennai was far from where i live and it took me more than 2 hours to reach.My test was scheduled at 1 but i reached by 12 and got to start my test by 12:30 PM.
The whole process of verification of identity and biometrics was smooth and the test center was good if not great.
Since my timing was clashing with my lunch timing ,I had to carried a bottle of hydrating drinks and some chocolate bars for the breaks.
The AWA and IR went well and then i moved to the quants section after a short break.The section started well and the initial questions were pretty straignt forward.The section went well with some tricky questions appearing around Q10.Since i hadnt taken too many mock due to my extensive travelling job,I was rushing throug the section in the first half hour.This allowed me to relax a bit in the middle section but this is where i think i screwed up.I overestimated my capabilities and was in a fix towards the end of the section.I had to rush through last 4 -5 questions which i feel i got wrong and resulted in a below par score of Q45.

My take aways :How much well prepared you are or good at any topic ,taking timed test is the key for the exam day.Appearing mocks is the most important thing.Little upset but i think i can manage this animal next time.Tightening my belt and getting ready for one more shot in a short while.only worry is i am little late for 2017 cycle.

All the best to everyone else planning to write GMAT in near future.Please take aa many times test as possible.


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