October 26, 2013

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GMAT Test Center Review: Pearson Professional Center, Bangalore


This post is about GMAT Test Center Review so that others can make a good decision.

I took both my GMATs at Pearson Professional Center, Dickenson Road, Bangalore, India. For those who are not aware, there are two GMAT centers in Bangalore – NTTF in Electronics City and Pearson Professional Center in Dickenson Road. I chose Pearson although NTTF is closer to my area because I had got some negative feedbacks about the NTTF Center.

I visited the Pearson Center a couple of days before my actual GMAT test day so that I don’t get lost on test day. Although the test center is located in Bangalore’s prime region, the center is still in a peaceful area. So traffic noise does not create a disturbance while taking test. On both occasions I had scheduled my exam in the morning session (9 AM slot). I reached the test center around 45 minutes before scheduled time. I had to sign on a visitors register and was asked to switch off my mobile before entering the test center. The staff was very friendly and professional. We were some 7 test takers. The lady on the front desk collected our passports gave us a leaflet to read the Terms of Agreement. She then called us one by one to take signature, photograph, and palm vein scan. I was not even asked for the print-out of the GMAT appointment confirmation. I then put my bag in the locker assigned to me. After these formalities, I was taken to test room and my palm vein was scanned again before I was allowed to enter the test room.

The second lady was also friendly and professional. She explained some test center rules and gave me marker and erasable pads. During the test, I didn’t face any issues or disturbance. I took both of my 8 minute breaks. The test administrator promptly came to assist me whenever I raised my hand to take my minute break. My palm vein was scanned every time I came out of the test room and entered the test room.

Washroom is just outside the test room. After I finished my test, the administrator assisted me outside the test room. I came to the front desk and collected my unofficial score report. It is important to collect your unofficial score report because the Authentication Code to assess the Official report is printed ONLY on the unofficial score report. After coming out of the test center, I had to sign again on the visitors register and then left the venue.

Overall, it was a great GMAT test experience with no problems of any kind on part of Test Center and Staff. I would highly recommend the Pearson Test Center for anyone planning to take GMAT in Bangalore. One advice for test day, Do not carry and reading material to the test center. You will not be able to assess it.
Hope this review helps.

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