December 20, 2012

Joined: Oct 30, 2012

Posts: 16

Kudos: 1

Self-reported Score:
750 Q50 V40

Read my comments as an extension to what other reviewers have already written as I totally agree with them. Guys were friendly and helped me calm down initially. Washroom for men was a bit far so had to walk fast. They replaced the laminated sheets without asking in each break, I really appreciate that. But I will mention one guy sitting at the reception in particular for being a bit over-friendly. He is indeed a sweet person but when I came back after my last break and was waiting to go in he made me wait for around a minute while he carried on his mostly useless (but funny) chat with another lady.. When I got in I was 15 seconds late and had this warning on the screen. Don't know how much difference this made to my final score.

I would like to caution all Gmatclub members to be sure that they are carrying the right ID card with them. I saw one guy in the morning who was not allowed to sit for the test as he was not carrying his passport. He was not an American citizen. In general if you are testing in any country other than the country of your citizenship then you must carry your Passport.

Thats all for now. Over-all it was a nice experience and I will recommend this center to future test takers.

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