July 04, 2012

Joined: Mar 24, 2012

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I was hesitant at first to take the GMAT in the middle of China, and strongly considered going to Hong Kong or even Shanghai, but settled on taking it in Nanjing, where I am currently located. Huge mistake. Other than being provided a chair to sit in, the test center did not provide any of the most basic elements required for a test taking environment. The worst problem was the noise. I was seated in the station closest to the door, outside of which was a public hallway. Proctors were located in an office about 20 meters down the hallway. During my test, some kind of commotion or altercation broke out in the hallway, directly behind the door, which was not at all sound-proof. No effort was made to control or quiet down the argument, and when I complained, I was told by the proctor, an early 20's female, that she had no way to control the perpetrators, because that were large males and she was only a girl. Serious. This is exactly what I was told.

The distracting noise went on, with increasing violent intensity, for about HALF of the verbal section,
DO NOT ever take an exam in this test center. I was told that many Chinese will go to Shanghai instead (SH is of course a much nicer and more developed city), and that is exactly what I should have done. A couple of last pieces to add: it is EXTREMELY difficult to find, and housed in a tucked away corner of the huge Nanjing University campus. It is in a very old and run down building with no central air conditioning. There is constant noise from other offices and people in the building, as the testing room is at the top of a public stairwell. Bathrooms are gross but on par with 2nd-tier city China. Test Center employees do not speak English, and do not do their jobs as GMAC describes their jobs to be (I had to argue to get another note pad before verbal--the girl thought only one was allowed). This place should absolutely lose their contract (though I'm sure, as always in China, the reason they have it has to do with some "strategic" relationship).

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