March 19, 2021

Joined: Dec 11, 2019

Posts: 66

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These Tests are helping me


Hello Everyone, I started preparing for GMAT for the second time 5 months back, my previous score score was 350 Q30 V10, and 5 months back I started from from giving a official and kaplan mock in which I scored 370 and 360 respectively so I knew It's a long way to go.
First two months I cleared my concepts and still working to become a pro using official guides and manhattan guides.
After attempting questions from official guides and gmatclub, the highest I was able to score in Gmatclub tests was 23, but I was carefully reviewing my mistakes which was enough for my score to increase a little .
On 8th feb 2021 I gave my second Kaplan Mock I scored 430 Q27 V21 which was a 70 points improvement and in the third mock (don't know the date) I scored 510 Q31 V22 which was a 80 points improvement. As you can see my mock score increased when I started using gmatclub tests, and in my lot of posts I have recommended a lot of people to try gmatclub tests. I have not given GMAT yet but I know that I will conquer this exam.

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