April 04, 2020

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GMAT Club Verbal Tests


GMAT Club is an aggregation of students and Test prep companies. GMAT Club just like all Forums is having two sides. One side which provides free information to students, and the other side is about promoting or demoting Test prep companies.
Students should be very attentive in all these forums because they are actually creating a pseudo world to promote the partner Test prep companies.
Points to check:
1. GMAT Club is a partner to many Test Prep namely e-GMAT & EmpowerGMAT. Basically it means that the forum acts as a front-end of theses firms.
2. There is a saying: For someone to win, others have to lose. GMAT Club also do the same thing. If there are 10 good reviews and 5 bad reviews about their partner, then all 5 bad reviews would be removed. And in case of the companies which are not their partners, all good reviews would be removed to paint them in bad light.
3. Simple rule of Business: If you are commercially involved with Test prep companies, then in no way you can be Honest.
4. Verified Reviews: The simple analogy is a “Robber guarding a Bank and asking us to believe his honesty”.
5. The idea of these forums is to control the information and promote their partners and also getting commissions.
6. Many times, we see their moderators also promoting their partners and also saying bad things about others. You can see all sort of examples in these forums where you will feel that moderators are creating a false world for students.
7. Founder “BB” can be seen in many discussions speaking good about GMAT Club Partners and speaking against others.
8. Test Prep companies Reviews are removed and Reviewers are also banned, to promote their partners namely e-GMAT & empowerGMAT.

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