February 27, 2018

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Best quants ever!

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I am preparing for GMAT while also working - hence I dont have much time to go through many books - or to hunt for interesting or tough questions. GMAT club tests has really been a huge savior.
Not just that it provides interesting and challenging questions - questions are also organised to topics which gives me ease of studying. The analytics are really good and gives statistics such as timing and the topics usually answered wrong.
The CAT's are as close a simulation to GMAT as possible -
and a whopping 25 in number. In fact , i would say the CATs alone are enough to get you a decent score. Even the Verbal CATs and questions are quite realistic. The only grouse i have is that Verbal CATs are 3 in number.
Nevertheless, I find GMATclub tests really the best for Quants over anything else.

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