January 13, 2018

Joined: Jul 28, 2014

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Self-reported Score:
550 Q48 V19

GMAT CLUB website is the leading website I have ever encountered which provide the best support system for both pre GMAT test and Post-test and also it is one of the most prefered websites for all the GMAT test takers for the listed reasons.

Firstly, GMAT Club has the best review of all the top GMAT preparation institutes as well as the top admission consulting companies which is most helpful for MBA Aspirants.

Secondly, it is the best place to practice and the best place to get all the explanation for all the possible question for GMAT.

Finally, the Gmat Club tests are a must have if you are aiming for a 700+ score, most reliable tests.These questions are not only great in number but also in terms of variety and standard. Also, the explanation is concise, clear and to the point. I found the filter of question difficulty level divided into 500, 600 and 700, as one of the best features.I would highly recommend the GMAT club tests to all those who are struggling to get their scores up in Verbal and quant as these are probably the best resource that you could lay your hands on.

And to conclude I will highly recommend all the GMAT test taker to regularly visit GMATCLUB website to be updated with GMAT preparation materials and the various suggestion and guidance to ace the GMAT test.

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