August 12, 2017

Joined: Aug 23, 2014

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GMAT Club Tests Review.


The GMATCLUB tests are good. First lets talk about the good things :-
The tests, specially the Quant Ones, I personally feel help you to expand your horizon of Quant thinking. After solving quite a many official problems, I can say that the Quant Problems have a falvour of their own which indeed help you to stretch your “Quant” Muscles which is a good thing one way.
Secondly, the scoring algorithm is quite good. Though I found it out to behave slightly differently in some cases. It gives you a healthy mix of 500/600/700 Level problems to test your expertise at all these levels.
The diagnostics/reporting is quite good ( not excellent… more on it later) it helps you see which problems you got wrong & how other GMATCLubbers have performed on that question. So it helps ypu to do a decent analysis of your performance.

But from my experience there are few things that can be further improved:-

1. Scoring Algorithm :- The Scoring Algorithm is quite good but there is still some gap that can be optimised compared to the GMATPrep Algorithm. Also It seems to me ( my personal opinion though), for the same number of incorrect questions, the GMATPrep softwares would have provided a lower score comared to what GMATClub offers. I might be wrong, but then again this is what I felt like.

2. Diagnostics :- This is an area I feel a there is a big scope for improvement. After every test, it can be an option which provides deeper analysis of the candidates mistakes. To be more specific, if it provides content/topic specific classification. If it helps the candidates to identify in which topics they’re making more mistakes, and if they can present it in a nice graphic form, it would be much more helpful for the candidate to find out the weak areas on which they can work upon. Similarly, similar graphics can be provided for strength areas. So that after picking a few of these tests, candidates can be made quite aware of their strengths and weaknesses. This I believe will go a long way candidates to improve the score.

But all in all, it is perhaps one of the best mock test out there. Great work you guys.

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