June 05, 2017

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Aiming for a 700+? These are the tests that you should attempt


The GMAT Club tests are a must if you are aiming for a 700+ score. I took the CAT's few days ago and found them very useful. Explanations are precise and guided me in my thought process.

The QUANT part of the CAT have the best questions. I took the GMAT PREP exam(the 2 free tests) and scored 49 on one exam and a 50 on other. But GMAT CLUB Math problems are a bit tougher and it's not just the questions themselves, the explanations provided also help you uncover many shortcuts and help strengthen your core concepts. I found the CLUB questions a bit harder, but that should help you be better prepared for the final test.

Coming to the verbal part, the questions are well framed and are of good standard resembling the actual EXAM. My scores on the PREP EXAM was higher than the CLUB test. But this would help me learn better ways and manage time for a 700+ result

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