July 10, 2016

Joined: Jun 28, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
560 Q44 V23

Your CAT Program is quite good


I've already GMAT once and I felt that your Quantitative CAT is harder than the real one. I got Q 48 on Official GMAT Prep Software. Unfortunately, I was unfamiliar with the erasable board which made me slower during the real exam. As a result, I got only Q 44 on the real test. However, I think GMAT Club test is too difficult and I only got Q 41 - 42. I wonder whether the algorithm is accurate since I noticed that whenever I chose the wrong answer on a 700-level question, the next question is still the 700-level questions. Therefore, I think that your program prediction is not really accurate. The answer explanation is clear and understandable, but you can improve it by making the video explanation which provides the process of thinking step-by-step. However, I will recommend GMAT Club test to my friends because your questions are hard and complicated. This could be nice for everyone who aim to get 700+. Moreover, there are more 1500+ questions which other CAT prep and Official Guide will never offer.

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