July 07, 2016

Joined: May 30, 2014

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My feedback with suggestions for club test


I like the question bank available on gmat club test. It has a good mixture of all types of questions. The way we can organize test questions is unique compared to other test. GMAT club test provide many options to choose the questions from a particular topic and also of varying difficulty level. The strongest advantage of the club test I could analyse over other available tests is the link for discussion with every question. I like it very much because many of the enthusiasts are using it to put their question and I find at-least one of them replicating my thoughts. Also so many queries are being answered in that link, that it helps me to understand the problem thoroughly.

I have given my GMAT so would try to give some feedback regarding the accuracy of test scores. This is just a feedback and not any decision from my side. For quantitative section i found my score in actual GMAT better than the score I used to achieve in club test. The average difference was about 3-4 points. I used to score better in quant during practice with other practice tests also than what I used to score in club test. Regarding Verbal this is reverse. I used to score better in club test but I did not receive similar result in my actual GMAT test. The average difference was about 3-5 points. With respect to other practice test I used, club tests results were almost same for me. As a whole I believe the accuracy of club test is good.

Regarding what can you improve. I tend to see that I make mistakes most of the time because of not focusing on the question, specifically on each words and hence end up in making silly mistakes. This could be due to time pressure. I feel in the solution section if club test can also highlight such important words in the question which the test giver should focus, it will help test givers to make it his habit ,every time, to focus in similar way for all the questions. This attempt may very depending on the question requirement.
Second point. For the solution section if you can provide a structured approach to reach the solution. I especially struggle in the verbal section and usually lost in finding the errors. A structured approach will help me to start attempting the question in particular manner because of which I should definitely find the correct answer. This type of answering approach I could find with eGMAT.
Third Point. Just as an added portion with in the solution section, you can also have links to understand the theory part of the subject. Usually if i don't know the theory I go to google and read it there. Although I found that GMAT club itself has a good resource for every topic but searching it looks difficult to me sometimes.
Above presented points are just my views. I hope it helps you. You are doing a great job. Best of wishes.

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