July 08, 2016

Joined: Jan 31, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
590 Q46 V26

Quant great, Verbal not so great


Whats good - The questions set
1.The quant tests are very good. These tests are closer to GMAT official format than any other CATS I have tried for ex- Manhattan CATS, economist GMAT, Veritas Prep. The questions mimic the the actual official qs very closely.

What could be improved - The algorithm for the CAT. Though questions are very good and very close to real official qs, the algorithm is not very close to GMAT prep. The type or topic of qs thrown one after another are many times same which is not the case with GMAT prep. Also the order of difficulty of qs is also off from real test.

Overall Verdict - One of the best question banks with comprehensive coverage of topics for honing quant skills. Works extremely well for practice but not as well if taken as CAT for indication on score.
I would say though ok not so good. The questions quality is not apar with other available mock CATS from other companies especially in SC and CR. RC is ok.
Verbal CATS is really an area where there is need gap for CAT or question banks which are closer to official GMAT prep qs.None of available CATS form prep companies are able to fulfill this need. Same is with gmatclub verbal tests.
Sometimes, the answer for few qs especially in CR is debatable.
The algorithm is also really off in verbal. Even after string of correct 600 level qs, the test was not giving 700 level qs.
Overall Verdict for verbal - Its ok but no where close the quality of questions in quant tests.

SUMMARY of review :
Gmatclub is rightly known for quant questions quality and is worth the dollars spent. Verbal Tests quality has much scope for improvement. I would strongly recommend the gmatclub to take up it as challenge and fulfuill the need gap of really good verbal CAT or atleast questions set which mimics the offical one.

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