June 28, 2016

Joined: Mar 09, 2014

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GMAT Club Test- Smart and Flexible


I got to know about GMAT Club test 6 months ago when I registered e-GMAT courses. While e-GMAT provides me basic theory, GMAT Club test is the best ever practice tool for me. I love the way I can customize the quizzes focusing on my weakness. The analysis after test or quiz help me to improve my time management, I found out that I spend much more time on wrong answers so I practiced being determined when moving to the next question after 2.5 minutes. The tool of filtering wrong ones and build another quiz give me another chance to rethink, that help me to remember deeply the problem. Math is my weakness and I got about Q32 at first days I prepared for GMAT. Thanks to GMAT Club test, I improved my quant score to Q44 and I plan to keep practicing to break the score in next few month with this very friendly and useful tool.

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