June 10, 2024

Joined: Jun 10, 2024

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TLDR: Working with Liza was one of the best decisions I've ever made, and I recommend anyone seriously considering top MBA programs to reach out and see if she's available! With her help, I'm really excited to be heading to Wharton in the fall!

My background: Mid-20s, Asian American Male - applied to a select small group of schools from a traditional MBB consulting / Private Equity investing background. Test scores and GPA are in line with the medians of the top schools, but are not outstanding by any measure. I had applied once a few years ago to one school only, with the assistance of an admissions consultant who wasn't too helpful - so I was a bit skeptical this time around. However, from the moment I first had a consultation with Liza, I knew that she was on top of her game and treated each of her candidates not just as a paycheck, but a friend she works closely with from day one as a true thought partner.

From when you start working with her, she is meticulously detailed and organized, something that I found tremendously valuable while balancing a full time job with applications. Through working with Liza, I found that no question was too silly, no essay or short answer too poorly written, no idea too random. She is willing always to explore different angles and problem solve with you as you approach an application - something I found really comforting to have throughout. Liza excels in helping you throughout the process - from the macro brainstorming around essays, all the way down to catching the most minute grammatical errors in a short-answer response.

She is a talented editor and partner to brainstorm with as you're approaching the large essays for each school - but she is also there to help provide suggestions on how you architect your whole application - from connecting the essays, to recommendations, to short answers and interviews - to make the whole package come together. Furthermore, she is so dedicated to your cause and success - if you were to equate applying to business school with going through an exhausting, 12-round boxing match, Liza would be your trainer in the corner at all times there to chat in between rounds - giving you tips, prepping you, helping you up when you get knocked down, and always there to be your biggest cheerleader. Even now, as I'm in the summer prepping for business school, Liza continues to be a thought partner on navigating another school's waitlist I'm still on!

I think beyond everything else - what makes Liza stand out is the fact that she balances being an adept, experienced consultant on the tactical portions of the application with being a tremendously empathetic, thoughtful friend that goes through the ups and downs with you when you're applying. More likely than not - you're going to get a rejection from at least 1 school. I'm sure many consultants are good at celebrating their clients' successes when they get into school - but I believe Liza is singular in her ability to be there when you actually face rejection - and need to pick yourself up for your other interviews and applications. No consultant will be a magician that can sprinkle pixie dust that will grant you admission into all your schools - but Liza is as close as you can get - she'll take your experiences, your stories, your personality - and help you package it in a way that you don't believe is possible. It's not cheap - but then again - neither is business school! If you're thinking seriously about an MBA - I think it's a small price to pay to get you to a place you're happy at!

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