May 12, 2024

Joined: May 12, 2024

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Thank you Liza!


Liza was incredible to work with and is the reason I got into UVA Darden.

Some background: I have been working in SaaS sales for the past 5 years and wanted to pursue business school as it was an opportunity to pivot into a consulting and jumpstart a more strategic career. However, coming from small liberal arts school outside the t20 with an average GPA and no financial or strategic work experience I knew it would be an uphill battle to get into my dream school. I scored a 322 (161V/16 Q) on the GRE which was solid but knew my application would need to shine... enter Liza. She was a master at highlighting my strengths and storytelling to make my essays excellent. From our first meeting it was clear she was an expert in the process and was proactive in keeping us to a clearly defined timeline. I had very few friends, family, and colleagues that had gone through the bschool process, so Liza was my lifeline and true advisor (even a motivator when I was down on myself!). I would not have gotten into a t15 school without Liza's help and for anyone looking to unlock the keys to success in the bschool application process, look no further. Thank you Liza!

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