January 25, 2021

Joined: Oct 23, 2019

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Liza combines authenticity with hard work to bring together incredible apps

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Background: strong GPA/average GRE, econ/bus major at a liberal arts school, caucasian male, background in strategy and marketing for a medium-sized manufacturer.
Results: Accepted: HBS, Kellogg, Tuck Rejected: GSB

The short version: Liza kept me purposeful, focused, and sane in this process, and she pushed me to get to my own personal “why” for business school as well as the storyline for the business school apps themselves. Having Liza as support throughout the process didn’t mean that applying was a breeze, but rather that I felt a sense of confidence, reassurance, and coaching that I know changed the course of my business school future. Perhaps most importantly to me, I didn’t want a school to accept a packaged version of myself that wasn’t accurate / honest. When my applications were submitted, I felt confident that this was my story in my voice - and that mattered to me. Liza took the time to make that possible. She is one of those people that has a unique gift for storytelling and editing which she combines with a strong work ethic and faithful commitment to the client. She does not cheat with her craft - I never felt like I was simply another drop in the bucket to her. If you’re going to spend the dollars, go with Liza.

The long version:
Introduction: I first spoke with Liza a year before I started working with her for a free, 30-minute info session. From that moment I saw her ability to listen well and respond with very helpful commentary. I knew then that if I was going to use a consultant, it would be her.
The start of the process: Liza and I talked through how many schools I would work with her, what I was looking for, and next steps. Liza responded to any feelings of uncertainty with thoughtfulness and confidence and helped me see a path through the year ahead.
The experience inventory: I poured my heart and soul into the kickoff document that Liza uses, and when we had our first phone call, I was shocked by Liza’s intricate knowledge of a 25+ page document about my life. She not only had many follow-up questions, but also had a plan of where to start. Impact: My storyline for the schools picked up on my subtle nuances of my life and personality.
Essay writing: Liza does not give up and does not settle for what she feels will not be effective. No joke: I wrote 3 versions of an essay that Liza kept pushing back on. She finally got me back on the phone, and pushed me to really answer the simple question the school was asking. I then trusted Liza with some pretty personal details of my life - and Liza engaged thoughtfully and then helped me begin writing from there (and I trust her explicitly). I would not have had the confidence and finesse to include the level of reflection and thoughtfulness that ultimately filled my essays: that’s the magic of Liza. Ultimately, I was able to relay my experiences and dreams in a simple manner that sounded like it was me telling the story in written form. Highly effective.
Also, she never missed a deadline across easily 50+ emails going back and forth. Know this: the two day turnaround means a two day turnaround with Liza during the week - just remember to plan your work out for yourself to utilize her most effectively!
Letter of Recommendation prep: Liza’s specialized process I believe really helped make my letters competitive (my managers do not write MBA LoRs frequently, and I think her guidance was critical in bringing these up to par).. And I will note: I never saw my LoRs personally, and I never wrote on behalf of my letter writers - the process is an ethical one.
Application review: Liza poured over every single word of every single piece of my application. No stone was left unturned. Even after months since we had first reviewed my life story, she would reference something from my original inventory that I’d forgotten to mention. I was starting to get tired in the application process a bit but Liza helped me stay engaged here and remained high energy.
Interview prep: Liza was brilliant here - in no way did I feel that my responses were mico-managed / overly prepped. Instead, Liza helped me to approach my own narrative with the schools in mind but without fundamentally changing my own way of answering the question. She called me out when I started to sound “fake” or like I was trying too hard - and she helped me return to a place of authenticity. I will also say, Liza referred me to one of her Gatehouse Admissions colleagues, Brooke Wheelan, for a second interview for HBS, and I’m very thankful for that interview as well.
Overall: Liza has a positivity that is infectious, and several times I just emailed her with a personal status check of how I was feeling in the process. Every time her perspective was invaluable and motivating. I am excited for this journey, and I feel more comfortable in my own personal “why” for spending the next two year in an MBA due to Liza. Go with Liza!

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