April 07, 2020

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Go with Liza!


Background: Male, Finance undergrad, associate at VC firm
Admitted: HBS

Go with Liza!

If you’re contemplating working with a consultant during your application process, it’s likely because you know that the applications are not to be underestimated. And given that, you cannot find a better choice than Liza. I was candidly on the fence of whether or not to work with a consultant, but after my initial consultation with Liza, I knew I only had one choice.

I worked with Liza over the course of 6 months, but it was after our initial brainstorming session that I felt like she knew me. Throughout our time together, Liza would consistently reference topics or conversations we covered in our first session together. And that was why she was so impactful for me. Ultimately, I was crafting my own story, but Liza knew the prodding questions to ask – she brought out the details in my story that truly showed who I am.

Liza’s support and cheery disposition always brightened my day. Whenever we hopped on the phone together, whether it was to brainstorm essay topics or to conduct a mock interview, I always left our conversation feeling confident. The on-campus interviews were a particularly daunting part of the process for me, but Liza’s feedback gave me a framework on which to concentrate, and her positive reassurance made me feel ready. The quick email on the morning of a big day with positive vibes was always helpful too…

If you’re applying to just one school or a handful, the application process is time-consuming. Liza, though, distills everything into digestible pieces. There will no doubt be a number of iterations until you get to the final product (for your resume, essays, and/or responses to application questions). But, speaking to my process, with each turn, Liza’s feedback was targeted and impactful. Liza guided me to the “a-ha” moment, the instant I knew I nailed my story.

I don’t know how many other applicants Liza worked with, but I always felt that I was given individual attention. Liza is always there, to answer a one-off question or to have a longer form conversation. Most important to me, though, was that I knew Liza was invested in seeing me succeed. Without Liza, I know I wouldn’t have felt as confident submitting an application as I did.

If you choose to work with Liza (you absolutely should), you’ll have someone in your corner that will challenge you and is wholly devoted to your success. Quite simply, if you’re looking to present the best version of yourself, go with Liza!

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