February 22, 2019

Joined: Feb 21, 2019

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Liza is a rock star!

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Simply put, Liza is a rock star.

I initially went into the business school application process with heavy apprehension. While I had solid stats (750 GMAT / 3.9 GPA from a top non-Ivy undergrad), I belong to a competitive cohort (Asian American male in finance) and did not work at a well known company with a history of sending people to top MBA programs. On top of this, I had to balance business school applications with a hectic work schedule (constant travel, long hours). I knew the journey would be lengthy, grueling, and stressful, and that I wouldn’t be able to complete it alone.

Liza was my guiding spirit as I navigated the process. She was patient and knowledgeable, answering my constant barrage of questions both carefully and thoughtfully (no matter how silly the question). She helped me craft my story and essays -expertly providing feedback and guidance -all the while ensuring the voice was still uniquely my own. And she kept me on track, keeping me accountable and on schedule during the frantic road to business school.

While many admissions consultants can do these things, Liza is unique and stands above the competition for a few reasons. First, she isn’t afraid to tell you when she disagrees, but does so in a kind and constructive manner, backed up with countless years of experience and knowledge. In the world of business school admissions, there can be a lot of noise and misinformation, and her honesty and wisdom were so refreshing. Second, she is a genuinely caring person with a deep interest in her clients’ success. Together, we shared some defeats (and of course, victories!) and her empathy and EQ made the defeats more bearable and the victories even sweeter. She always sent words of encouragement during stressful moments -interview days, decision days, etc -that served to ease my anxiety. These little things do matter, and made Liza feel more like a mentor / friend than a consultant.

Thanks to Liza, I will be headed to Wharton this fall! Liza exceeded all my expectations and I would recommend her without hesitation.

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