May 23, 2018

Joined: Mar 11, 2017

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Highly recommend working with Liza

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I am fully confident that I would not be starting at Duke’s Fuqua next fall without Liza’s partnership. Going through the application process with Liza will totally transform your perception of what a “great” b-school application looks like. Once you’ve decided to throw your hat in the ring and apply to a handful of elite MBA programs, you’ve likely already accomplished quite a lot in your academic and professional career. The key to the application process is standing out in a sea of thousands of very qualified applicants. I cannot recommend Liza highly enough in that regard. My background includes 3.5 years working in media strategy at an advertising agency (not exactly the picture of a typical applicant), and my stats were decent but certainly weren’t going to blow anyone away at top-tier programs. I worked with Liza on a multi-school package through MBAmission. Liza’s expertise coupled with MBAmission’s resources creates a dynamic combination. Not long after the initial deep dive into my personal attributes and background, I felt Liza knew me as a candidate even better than I knew myself – and it showed. She was able to highlight the experiences that would translate the best for each unique essay topic, and helped me mold a holistic picture of my candidacy throughout each application. I’ll admit, I usually felt pretty good about my first draft essays, but once Liza got her hands on them she was able to push me further than I thought possible in terms of illustrating exactly why I would thrive at each school and beyond. Like I said – she’ll transform your perception of what constitutes a great application. Beyond her knowledge of how to enhance the components of the application packet, Liza was a great partner, motivator, and coach through the daunting process. She challenged me in a manner that was always constructive, while building my confidence in my own candidacy. All in all, every time I hit the “submit” button, or walked out of an interview, I didn’t have to wonder if I’d put forward the best representation of myself because Liza had prepared me to excel in every aspect of the application.

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