February 20, 2018

Joined: Feb 16, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V44

Highly highly recommend Liza Weale!


I was recently accepted into every school I applied to (HBS, GSB, Wharton). While I had a good background (750+ on GMAT, 3.6+ GPA from good non-ivy undergrad school, several years at a VC firm), there is no way, at all, I would have had such a great outcome without Liza working with me every step of the journey.

Let's start with how I got connected with Liza. in 2016, she came highly recommended by 2 friends who had used her and both of whom were accepted into HBS. When I spoke with Liza for the first time (prior to me even taking the GMAT), she was generous with her time and unbelievably candid. She told me, very clearly, what she thought my strengths and weaknesses were, and I appreciated that. Three weeks after our initial conversation, I notified her that I was just promoted and would not be applying to business school. She was genuinely happy for me and let me know that if I wanted to apply in the future, she would gladly work with me (so long as I gave her advance notice).

Fast forward a year: in early 2017, I decided I indeed wanted to apply to business school. I was happy with my job, but had still taken the GMAT toward the end of 2016 and scored well, so I wanted to apply to the top schools and see how things played out. When I notified Liza, she excitedly welcomed me into her group of students -- and then immediately put me to work.

Liza pushed me more than I would have ever imagined. She provided me a rigorous yet clear schedule/timeline of work, asked deep questions, made me work my butt off, and candidly critiqued every single piece of work I put in front of her. While many consultants do all of the above, there is one moment to me -- which I'll never forget -- that I think truly captures who Liza is and why she is above and beyond all other consultants.

While I was writing my Stanford essay, I started speaking with Stanford alums about the prompt. I decided to write two completely separate essays that went in 2 wildly different directions. One essay Liza loved; the other essay I loved, and the Stanford alums all agreed with me. But Liza would not give in: she was super confident that the essay she was a fan of was the "right" choice because the essay shared more about me while the other one I liked just focused on Stanford. While in hindsight it is so obvious that she was right, I was very against her thoughts in the moment. Instead of her simply giving in, she did something that is the definition of going above and beyond: without even telling me, she blindly shared my two essays with 5 other consults at her company and asked for their thoughts. Every single one sided with her. When she told me she had done that and presented me with the evidence, I was floored. I went with the essay she felt strongly about, and the rest is history.

That is just one example that stands out. Overall, Liza was unbelievable to work with. She cares deeply, is willing to make time, and will be (sometimes painfully) candid. But that last piece is super important -- because you need to know how to play to your strengths in this process, and Liza does just that.

If it's not obvious at this point, I couldn't give Liza a stronger recommendation. I'd work with her 12 times out of 10 and will (and already have) recommended her to close friends, family, and others. She is a star, and is the best person to have on your side throughout this daunting process.

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