December 20, 2017

Joined: Oct 20, 2017

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

Self-reported Score:
720 Q44 V45

Male – Engineer; 720 GMAT; 3.3 GPA

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Not only would I not have gotten in to HBS without Liza’s help, but I wouldn’t even have applied!

I started with Liza in May 2017, shortly after writing my GMAT. I had scored a 720 combined score and at that point started to think I might actually have what it takes to take a run at some of the top American schools. I came from a non-traditional stream of engineering and had a 3.3 GPA from a top Canadian university. Evaluating my own profile, I thought I had a legitimate shot at the top 10 MBA programs – but probably skewed towards the bottom of that group.

Enter Liza!

What originally drew me to working with Liza was her warmth. Frankly, I already knew the process was going to be a grind after studying for the GMAT for 4 months. As I started focusing on essays, the last thing I wanted was to work with someone that wasn’t going to laugh through the pain with me. She was my first call, and I didn’t bother interviewing anyone else. We got along fantastically as Liza helped me start thinking about target schools and the reasons for applying to each. This required quite a bit of research on my part. As a Canadian, I hadn’t been exposed to a lot of American schools/programs before – and Liza was happy to give recommendations based on what I said I was looking for AND what she thought was best for me!

Working with Liza, what I began to realize is that all the numbers (that everyone always seems transfixed on) are really table stakes when you’re applying to the top programs. Yes, you need a good GMAT. Yes, you need a decent GPA. Those are what get you past the initial sniff test and allow the adcom to take a legitimate look at your application.

We brainstormed, and discussed my background and experience in detail. At the same time we thought of strategies to explain it. Going through the process with Liza I began to realize what really set me apart was my history of leadership roles and having a tangible impact on my business. With that in mind, Liza recommended an application to HBS; I was initially reluctant. Reading profiles of successful HBS applicants online felt like reading stories about people who were soon to be canonized. Thankfully Liza knew what it would take. I trusted her and we went for it.

It took us about a month and a half to finalize the HBS essay. An iterative process, we went through countless versions – many of which looked very different than our finished product. It was a quest of sorts, to tell my story with an authentic voice that tried to get a few laughs along the way. She even fended off the last minute doubt after some critical feedback from a family member (brothers are the worst). In that time I added a few more schools to our list which officially consisted of HBS, Kellogg and Sloan.

From interview prep, to advice during the post interview crises (yes more than one!), and then through the unbearable waiting period; Liza was with me the whole way. After all that we’d done enough, and I was in.

I owe a lot to Liza. She is an exceptional consultant and person. If you’re in the market for a consultant, and maybe even a friend, give her a ring.

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