February 23, 2017

Joined: Aug 10, 2013

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HIGHLY RECOMMEND Liza Weale!!!!!!!!!!


My Background: non-traditional STEM undergrad, <5 years of start-up experience (business ops / analytics)
Post-MBA Goal: product management / entrepreneurship

I first had the chance to connect with Liza three years ago when I signed up for a free 30-min consulation with mbaMission. Frankly, I was not expecting much as I had already gone through the same process with consultants from a couple of other firms. However, Liza's genuine, client-focused attitude was a pleasant surprise, something I personally did not notice elsewhere. During our 30-min call, she quickly recognized that, while I had potential, it's best for me to work for at least a couple of years before applying. That turned out to be the best professional advice I've ever received and summarizes her well. The sincere approach she brings to her clients is a unique quality that made her a wonderful partner through my journey.

So when I felt ready to apply last Fall, I reached out to Liza again without hesitation and signed up for the Complete Package. Yes it is expensive, but I personally believe it is worth every penny and insignificant considering how much full-time MBA programs end up costing IF you can find the right consultant for you. What Liza offers is much more than just helping you get into the highest-ranked program. From the beginning, she will help you learn more about yourself by asking incisive questions and make sure that you apply to the right programs. When you get to your essays, her constructive feedback will improve your structure/grammar/etc while ensuring that you don't lose your authentic voice. Her comments are very specific and actionable. They will make you reflect on your past experiences rigorously and help you develop more compelling narratives. This was extremely important for me as I was coming from a non-traditional (i.e. non-consulting/finance) background.

Personally, the most impactful moment happened last Summer, about two months before the Round 1 deadlines. I had planned to apply to five schools in Round 1, but was still working on my first application and falling behind very quickly due to my busy work schedule. During our check-in call, Liza expressed her genuine concern and made it clear that 1) I would not be able to apply to all five unless I pushed harder and 2) she was in it together and would do whatever she can do as my partner to help me succeed. Thanks to her guidance/support, I was able to submit all my applications successfully in Round 1 and will be going to my dream school this Fall!

In short, Liza is a caring and flexible leader with a significant amount of experience/knowledge in this field (served on the “Bain-MIT Sloan” recruiting team/volunteers with the MIT Sloan Alumni Club/5+ yrs as MBA consultant) who will go above and beyond for the benefit of her clients. She is someone I admire and highly recommend.

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