April 03, 2015

Joined: Dec 01, 2014

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I worked with Hollis on an hourly basis to polish up my application to 3 top ten business schools. At first I was hesitant to invest such a large sum in 60 minutes of a person's time. However, I went on to buy not one but six hours of Hollis's time, and can confidently say that every minute we worked together was the best possible use of my time and money.

Hollis was an excellent consultant for a number of reasons, here are some of my favorite characteristics:

- Prompt: Hollis always returned my material within the allotted time (48 hours), and often in half that time. This made me feel like my work was a priority to her, and it was also immensely useful to turn around final drafts and submit material in time for the Round 2 deadlines.

- Positive: All of Hollis's efforts were geared towards helping me present my best self, and that extended even to the tone and nature of our communications. She constantly encouraged me, while also giving the detailed feedback I needed to improve my application.

- Clear: Gone are the days of illusive feedback from professors about how to improve your English essays. The feedback Hollis gave on my personal statements was always very clear and easy to integrate, without losing my personal tone. This really helped me understand what the AdComs were looking for and significantly improved my statements as a result.

This Fall I will be attending Stanford GSB, a school I almost didn't apply to because it felt so far out of reach. I'm confident that Hollis played an instrumental role in elevating my application to the status that helped it get noticed and, ultimately, accepted by my dream business school.

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