March 31, 2015

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Kudos: 5

I was a top student from a top school. I had a GMAT score above the average of the top 10 MBA programs. I had decent work and community leadership experience. Yet I was rejected from all of the schools I applied to – rejected without even an interview.

This is what led me to mbaMission. I started with a free consultation, and right away, I knew mbaMission was the right fit for me. I spoke with Liza Weale and had a great 30-60 minute conversation on whether I was targeting the right schools, the development areas in my profile, and how mbaMission could help me as a reapplicant. I came away impressed that I wasn’t being sold on mbaMission but rather given genuine, helpful guidance.

Once I decided to finally make the leap and give business school another shot, I reached out to mbaMission and signed up for a three-school start-to-finish package. On Liza’s recommendation, I was paired with Eric Hollowaty. Eric was recommended to me based on my background, school choices, and who among the consultant staff would be best able to help me.

Eric was the perfect man for the job. Working in a demanding job, and with only a few weeks to the application deadlines, I needed someone who could work with me on my schedule. I needed someone who could provide direct, succinct, actionable feedback. And I needed someone who could help me think out loud in crafting my personal statements – steering me away from dead ends and towards promising ideas and stories, without commandeering the creative process. Eric checked all those boxes and more. Every exchange – every email and every call – with Eric was time well spent.

The result was interviews with two out of the three highly competitive programs I applied to, and ultimately acceptance to a top five school. The road to MBA admission was extremely challenging, but thanks to mbaMission and Eric Hollowaty, it is one I will look back on fondly. I would highly recommend mbaMission, and Eric in particular, to all prospective applicants, especially reapplicants struggling with the decision to reapply.

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