January 26, 2015

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At first, I was highly skeptical about hiring a consultant because I wondered whether I would be able to get into my top choice schools without the hefty cost of hiring a consultant. Though I will never know if I could have done it on my own, since I ultimately did decide to work with mbaMission, I do not regret my decision at all!

I first spoke with Liza back in July to get a sense of a) what a consultant would be able to provide and b) what it would be like to work with Liza specifically. Though I spoke with other firms and other consultants as well, I fell in love with the concept of working with Liza right away!

During the next few weeks, Liza helped me with putting together my essays, my resume and my recommendation packets for my recommenders. She provided great insight and guidance on whether to take my story and always pushed me when she thought I had more to say or share (even when I did not know I had more!). Not only was she able to provide very tactical feedback on sentence structure, vocabulary choice, etc., she also provided big-picture thoughts (e.g., why did you choose this example? Is there something more here?). Most importantly though, Liza was at my corner, cheering me on at every single step of the way. It meant a lot to me that she cared so much about how my case would be presented to the admissions committee. Although I had other people read parts of my application, she was the only one who saw every aspect of my application (and the only one I trusted doing so, especially since some of these essays can get very personal). As my trusted advisor, she knew how all the pieces would fit together and whether or not the “true” me was coming through. Through the process, Liza became not only a mentor but a friend and without her emotional support, I do not know if I could have finished all my apps in time.

One of my proudest moments of 2014 was being to email Liza and tell her that I got into one of my top choices. I highly recommend at least looking into working with Liza—she is not only extremely smart, but also very caring and supportive.

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