January 11, 2015

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Liza is incredibly talented. She is everything you could want from a consultant, and was instrumental into getting me into both Sloan and Tuck. I don't have enough good things to say about Liza, but if you are considering a consultant, you should definitely hire her.

A little background on myself - this was not my first time applying. Last year, I applied to Sloan, Tuck, Wharton, and Kellogg. I was waitlisted to three of those schools, and ultimately rejected from all of them.

I decided this next time around to hire a consultant, and Liza was the perfect fit. I had spoken to a number of consultants just to get a sense of their backgrounds and to see if there would be a fit, and I could tell that Liza was perfect for me. Having gone to Sloan and having been at Bain as a consultant, I knew she had the experience of actually having been through what I was going through, not just the experience of helping past kids get into good schools.
She does not bullshit around. She does not tell you what you want to hear - she tells you exactly what you need to know to improve your essays, or resume, or to guide you through your interview. She navigated me through what was an incredibly demanding time, giving me the appropriate guidance and direction when necessary. She kept me on task when deadlines approached, and gave me a schedule to adhere to. She went out of her way on multiple occasions to get me things back in time (even before she was obligated to) so that I could work on them over the weekend. I felt like one of my interviews didn't go so well, and we completely recalibrated how I prepared and that was so critical to me doing well for the second school.

While her services (and those from similar companies) are not cheap, I feel like if getting into a top school is a seriously goal of yours, hiring Liza is 100% worth it.

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