August 07, 2019

Joined: Jun 01, 2017

Posts: 2

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Very nice test questions and up to the level of actual GMAT


There are total 15 tests , all of which are of same level of actual Gmat , I felt that they have given more importance to verbal section.
The test analysis would have been better if it were more concise and more detailed one.
The questions of the tests are from their hard question series which makes the tests predictable for the students who study the expert global material.
overall I like the tests they are very good , even you can study from them . revision of tests will give you more idea about you lags in the test and actual feel of the GMAT . the I section is also tough .

January 06, 2020

Thank you for the review. We are pleased to learn that you found the tool helpful.
Let me assure you that we have taken complete care that there is ZERO OVERLAP between the questions in the test series and the preparatory material. The content may sometimes appear similar of course because the underlying concepts are the same. However, one would never see a REPEAT as such. Once again, thank you for your time and the valuable post. We wish you all the best!
Experts' Global team

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