July 06, 2022

Joined: Aug 18, 2020

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Extremely disappointing experience - Did more harm than good


I am writing this review based on my experience alone - and I acknowledge that different people might have had different experiences with this same team. I have also discussed these issues directly with the Experts' Global (EG) Team multiple times - and they admitted to their faults and told me that they would address these concerns for future applicants. Whether or not they have improved in these areas - I do not know, but I sure hope so.

1. Extremely sub-par resources and essays
I was planning on writing my own essays anyway and was looking to EG for basic guidance. I was shocked when I went through their drafts and resources. They were horrible. If the essay prompt was "When is Christmas?" EG's response was "Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" There was no correlation between their resources and the question being asked. There were tons of grammatical errors that even a 7th grader could spot. Worse, when I pointed these out to them, they did not even seem to realize that there was something wrong.
Moreover, they ask you to spend several days and they make you fill out lengthy questionnaires. They keep asking you for regular updates regarding your profile. But none of these are incorporated into your final story or final essays. What's the point in collecting all of that data if it is not going to be used? They simply share a generic cut, copy, paste draft.

2. No support at all - You are left on your own
When you start out, they share a detailed calendar/tracker sheet with milestones. It will look organized and good but do not fall for the trap. The EG team ticked off a few checkboxes like resume review, and (horrible) essay drafts and then completely disappeared. It was almost as if they didn't exist. I was left to fend for myself during the most crucial part of the application process. If you're looking for an admission consultant for support at every step, then this might not be the place.
When I pointed this out, they resorted to a blame game and instead of addressing my concerns, they just kept asking me why I did not approach them. I was busy, knee-deep in the work that I expected their help with. And though I raised concerns with the essay drafts thrice, their responses made it clear that they could not have cared less. Moreover, all the follow-ups and milestones that were mentioned in the initial sheet - most of them were not met and the team did not care about it either. (during the submissions time)

3. Problems with communication
There were numerous instances of terrible communication. Person 1 would call me and we would decide to do a particular thing or proceed in a certain way. Next time this topic comes up, this person would have absolutely no idea about what we were even talking about - and would give a completely opposite reply than what they gave the first time.

The only pro for me was the Interview preparation.

I am sharing this review here on GMAT Club so it motivates the candidates to do their research and not fall for false promises by consultants like Experts Global. I felt trapped after making all the payments and there was nothing I could do. I have already shared my feedback with the EG team through emails and calls and I can only hope that things have improved now. Please do your research before proceeding. When I shared these points, their response for most of them was - "This usually doesn't happen, we don't know how it happened in your case". But it was already too late for me. And I cannot say how many others faced similar issues.

Another takeaway - do your own research on the schools you want to apply to. Do not blindly believe what they will tell you as they would want you to apply mostly to safe schools to boost the success rates. Do your research and discuss it with your consultant (if any).

tl;dr The conclusion is - Experts' Global did me more harm than good. Signing up with them resulted in an utter loss of precious time that I could otherwise have invested in more important aspects of my application. Through their resources and drafts, they also gave me a very wrong idea of what is expected. I had to learn on my own and prepare my applications accordingly. So, not only were they not putting me on the right path, but they were actively forcing me to walk on the wrong path. One that would have resulted in failure.

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