May 21, 2019

Joined: Nov 13, 2017

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Thank You so much Experts Global !!


The moment I decided to apply to MIS programs, I realized that I had little time left to make it within the early admission rounds. I realized that the preparation and the admission process would not be an easy one as there were numerous facets that had to be taken care of. Unnerved by the pressing circumstance, I decided to take the aid of an admissions consultant and that is when I stumbled across Experts’ Global. I narrated my predicament to the team and they comforted me by assuring that the deadlines could be easily achieved yet. Upon further discussion, I realized that EG followed an extremely meticulous process that divided the entire admission procedure into distinct milestones, some owned by EG and some owned by me.
Starting off, I was asked to fill in two questionnaires that forced me to ponder deep and hard on my profile – my achievements, my skills, my aspirations, and my weaknesses and introspect on the schools I wished to apply to. Next, my mentor held a brainstorming session, wherein she discussed the ‘story’ that would be portrayed in the application. Further, she also helped me close upon the best list of schools after revising the many factors such as scholarship opportunities, location, curriculum, etc. Meanwhile, the team helped me prepare a smart Resume that adequately highlighted my professional experience and my achievements, and worked me to fine tune my essays. Honestly speaking, the suggestions I received were completely on point and really made a difference to the overall quality of the essays.
Finally, with the help of a planned schedule and impressive coordinated effort from team EG, I was able to complete my application process. The team even helped me revise the application form to ensure that I had properly filled in every detail and submitted the necessary documents.
Without losing much time, the team even started with my interview preparation. Interestingly, I was provided with a set of videos that duly explained the many facets of an admission interview. I was then asked to answer a set of interview questions; Next, I attended a mock interview with an interview mentor, who pointedly guided me on improving my responses and my presentation. She repeated the mock sessions with me till the time I was confident enough to face the admissions consulting team.
With the close guidance of the team, I grabbed admits from almost all the universities I had applied to, including few of the ambitious ones. I am glad that I had taken the help of the EG team to apply to the MIS programs.
Thanks a lot, EG!

May 27, 2019

Hello Himanshi,

We are extremely happy to know that you benefitted from our personalized guidance. Thanks for being a sincere student!

All the best!

Experts' Global
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