July 30, 2018

Joined: Apr 11, 2018

Posts: 39

Kudos: 52

Self-reported Score:
760 Q51 V41

An organized, happy experience!


First thing first, Experts' Global helped me score 760 from a 700 earlier through their very effective GMAT online program. That made me gain trust in the firm and I didn't bother inquiring about any other admission consulting company. I must say that the intuitive decision I took has been totally worth it.

On the day of the enrollmental, I was assigned a team of specialists for different aspects of applications. I was also sent a detailed video explaining the entire process together with a planner that divided the entire process into 20 plus milestones with clear ownerships, a way that I personally found extremely effective for my style of working.

Thereafter, I was given two very detailed questionnaires to fill; these documents made me think and put all main accomplishments and experiences in an organized way. Then, I engaged with Experts Global in a long discussion about my career goals and the complete story of my life and career. With this brainstorming complete, I found the broad aspects of applications in control.

Over the next several days, we worked closely on the application essays. With a solid background work in place, the essays came up really well and I was extremely happy with the final draft. I felt confident about my essays and in facing possible questions on them in the interviews.

Simultaneously, I was helped with my resume, online form, and approach for recommendations. Soon, I received the interview invitation and I got great support for the same. Particularly, the set of interview preparation videos I was provided with by Experts Global were great help and prepared me for the frequent questions and three general approach towards the interviews.

I have received an admit from the only Spring intake school I applied to. I will be applying to more programs for fall intake and do so with confidence, with an admit this early in the season.

Thank you Experts Global for all the support in my GMAT as well as applications.

My main tips for any future applicants taking their help-

1. Please follow their processes and the milestones in the planner prepared for you. You will find the application process completing in an effective way.

2. Watch their set of videos for applications/essays as well as interviews. They are particularly helpful and bust several myths and help in avoiding common mistakes and setting a strong base.

3.You are bound to have questions; consolidate your questions and have them clarified. I found the team quite helpful and aproachable; they always help.

I hope this helps. Thank you all.

April 25, 2019

Hi Smriti,

Thanks for your time.

It is great to learn that our structured processes helped simplify the admissions journey for you. Kudos to you for following the processes end-to-end! :)

Congratulations on your results.

All the best! :)

Experts' Global
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