June 08, 2024

Joined: Jan 16, 2023

Posts: 21

Kudos: 42

Verified GMAT Focus score:
695 Q88 V84 DI82

E-gmat is the best product to prepare for gmat systematically.


Improvement 120 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online


The structured approach they provide to approach all three sections is amazing. Their cementing quiz system makes you stay in the lane and refine your skillset once you've learned the content.

DI is a new section added to the GMAT FE, so the questions and content on how to approach them are limited, but the tips and tricks taught for MSR, GI&TA, and TPA help you overcome the initial hurdle of solving and understanding questions in time.

I bought the E-gmat course in December as I was struggling with my quantitative and verbal. The course is well structured and provides you with pertinent analytics to track your progress as you progress through the modules.

I'm impressed by the repository of questions they have, which makes practicing very easy.
I was part of the LMP program, so I was assigned a mentor who would help me track my progress and guide me in the right direction when I had to refine my weaker sections.

All in all, I would highly recommend E-Gmat, but I would also suggest giving it your 100% as the content is vast and intense.

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