January 25, 2023

Joined: Jan 07, 2019

Posts: 275

Kudos: 81

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q48 V38

Scored 740 - Best GMAT course


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online


Personalized feedback

Here's my GMAT journey :
I decided to go with GMAT exam in 2019. Since I already prepared for CAT in India, I thought I won't need any new coaching. So I bought the official guide and advanced guide. watched few youtube videos on Sentence correction rules. I was fairly confident after solving the official guides so went with official mocks. As far as I remember, below are the scores.
Official mock 1 - 730
Official mock 2 - 700
Official mock 3 - 710
Official mock 4 - 720
These scores were right in my target range and these were official mocks, that too 4 of them. What confirmation else do I need? "This is most accurate prediction of what my actual score on GMAT might be" I thought. Boy was I so wrong.
I gave my first official GMAT attempt in December 2019.
After the exam, the score popped up - a 650. This was devastating. This is not even close to my official mocks.
I was dissapointed. But I had only close to 2 years of experience and I knew that average work experience in US MBA colleges is around 5 years. So I knew I have time.

I kept preparing from other sources that I could find for next 1.5 years. But this was not a serious preparation, not even close. Fast forward to October 2021. I decided to ramp up my GMAT preparation as I have almost 4 years of work ex in next 4 months. I watched few youtube free sessions and e-GMAT caught my attention.
Why?? Because they had a super power. They read my mind. After the great GMAT debacle of 2019, I went into retrospection mode. And in my retrospection, all strategies and concepts that I realized were cause for my low score, were specifically mentioned by e-GMAT also to be major causes for lower scores of candidates in the GMAT. They also kept giving importance to 'No shortcuts to success in GMAT' mantra.
So I signed up and looked at the free modules and realised that this might be the course that I needed. I purchased the course in January 2022.
I blindly followed their module because, as I mentioned earlier, they were reading my mind. For every time some skepticism popped up in my mind be it about my ability or whenever I felt like I don't have it in me to succeed in GMAT, they already had a video debrief on youtube with candidates who went exactly through what I was going but still got a great GMAT score. This boosted my confidence that it is not just me - everybody feels the same - If they could do it - I can too. So I kept going with the modules, cemeneting quizzes, test readiness quizzes and finally the mocks.
The mocks are the most important of all as they even showed how the scored progressed with every question/block that I attempted. This helped me with coming with my own startegy that suits my personal style. 1 week before the GMAT official exam, Payal Tandon reached out to me saying that they observed inactivity on my account and asked me if there were any change of plans. I told that I have my GMAT exam in next 5 days. They immediately assigned me a mentor under Last Mile Program. Unfortunately I had only 3 more days to do what the suggested based on my weak areas. Yet they made a plan and scheduled video call sessions to help in with the last leg.
D-Day, I gave my exam on June 30th 2022 (offline centre exam) and it was 700.

Then I joined the ELP program to get feedback from mentors and followed their advice.
I gave my 3rd attempt after 2 months from my second attempt and the score 740 flashed on my screen.

Thanks to e-GMAT for their well-structured course and for not selling 'tricks to ace GMAT' just to onboard as many students as they can.
Special thanks to Rida Shafeek for taking time and mentoring me in the last days of my exam.

For anyone trying to decide which online course to go for, I will 100% recommend e-GMAT.

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