January 28, 2022

Joined: Jul 06, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38

70 Point Improvement in a month


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I studied for the GMAT for more than 3 months and gave the exam for the first time on Oct 17th, 2021. I was scoring an average of 710 in my official mocks and I simulated the experience almost perfectly. So I expected somewhere around that range.

During the exam, the verbal section was way harder than I had imagined. I remember rushing through the last 7-8 questions and ended up guessing about 3 questions towards the end. Even the quant was way harder than what the official mock prepared me for. I was devastated to see a Q47, V31.

I came back and took a few weeks off to figure out where I was going wrong. I knew all the Grammar rules, I had read the MGMAT SC book, I knew the basics of argument structures and attacking an argument. I realized I wasn't conceptually challenged but something was wrong in the process approach. I was getting my answer but it was taking too long and certain question types always threw me off.

I took a consulting call from one of the strategy consultants at e-GMAT and they pointed out that my approach needs some honing and what I could do about it (I was really impressed that they didn't even try to sell the product and focussed more on me). A few weeks later I signed up for their 2 month program. But literally the next day I had to travel for an on-site project. After I was back, I had a month to go through the material and give the test again.

Their SC module changed the way I looked at SC questions. I knew all the grammar rules and I was initially solving questions solely based on grammar. Their 3 step process for Sentence correction forced me to rewire my way of thinking about SC questions. After a few cementing quizes, my SC accuracy was higher than ever before and I was feeling very comfortable.

I didn't have the time to go over the complete CR or RC modules (I probably wish I could) but I quickly gleaned a few approach strategies from a few modules and modified the way I approached verbal questions. Eg: I started making summary notes for RC passages and I started tabulating my CR arguments and derived an answer even before looking at the answer choices.

I solidified my approach through quite a few practice quizzes and official mocks. The verbal question caliber was very high and indeed prepared me better for the real GMAT.

For quant, I kept giving the GMAT Club tests and that helped a lot! I used to spend about 30 mins analyzing each Quant mock and made notes on every single strategy I missed.

I gave the exam again just after recovering from the third wave hit. This time quant was quite seamless (I expected a Q50 but got a Q49) and I could complete the verbal section with a minute to spare.

My verbal score jumped from a V31 to a V38 and I knew what exactly had changed during that month of prep and it was the approach. Not concepts. I highly recommend everyone to spend at least a month solidifying the approach and the timing (mocks, question banks) before giving the final exam. That small step boosted my score by 60 points. I do plan on giving the exam again to get to the 740 range.

All the best for your test! Let's all nail it!

This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
February 02, 2022

Dear Paradoodle,

Improving by 70 points in 30 days is a mean feat! Really good job on that 😊

Talking to you about your experience just a week ago, I honestly feel you taking that time off after your exam was so important and what you did after coming back was smart too. SOMETHING HAD TO CHANGE.

I am happy to hear that the call was not pushy, but we honestly believe in onboarding students that are a fit for the e-GMAT course than the other way round. We pride ourselves on this, to be honest!

I am glad the SC course changed the way you look at an SC question, for most people who imbibe it – it surely does.

SC Question Bank:

I wish you all the best on your quest to a 740! I hope you get there soon.

Take care and stay safe.


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