October 17, 2021

Joined: Sep 16, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q50 V35

E-GMAT: One of the better courses out there.


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

Before I say much about the E-Gmat course, I will give a brief account of my current circumstances to provide better understanding about how the E-Gmat course was well suited for me. I am a working professional with almost 9 years of experience. The reason I mention this is that I had not given a standardized test for almost 9 years. Hence, getting back into the game and striving to get a score needed a lot of effort since I had forgotten most of my high school mathematics and didn’t have the sharpness of a younger mind. Moreover, I have a full time job so I needed to make time for preparation on top of my professional and personal commitments. This may not be such a big deal for many but since I was starting from scratch on a lot of the GMAT concepts, this meant a great deal of cognitive flexibility on my part to come out of my professional “work life” mode and into my ‘test taker” mode.

In my opinion, this is where the real strength of e-Gmat lies. e-Gmat is a course that is ideal to suit an online preparation format. Right from the system architecture to the feedback methods and various analytical tools provided, the system was perfect for me since I could not give fixed times of study every day. The advantages of online preparation are the flexibility with time and pace of the courses and e-GMAT executes this perfectly.

Firstly, the e-GMAT course material is designed in such a way that it tests your prowess in all the GMAT concepts from time to time to save as much time in preparation as possible. Always take the test, whether they are diagnostic tests, practice quizzes, application files… etc. The e-GMAT system is designed in a way that rewards success in the course by reducing the time spent on concepts we are aware and rewards failure by making sure the concepts we are weak in get sufficient attention. This is very evident from the Quant portion of the e-GMAT system.

The Verbal section of the e-GMAT system is quite unique. e-GMAT’s meaning based approach to SC is definitely the best in the market. It brings all the concepts of grammar, logic, and vocabulary together in a concise and precise manner and all the application files make sure that we understand and apply this method well.

The RC method is a bit lengthy I feel. The whole idea of making summaries is worthwhile but seems a bit time consuming in the exam environment. I feel this aspect needs a lot of practice from the student’s side. Although in all honesty, this approach did help me get out of my totally blank approach to RC.

This brings us to CR, the real mindbender. While e-GMAT advocates an effective method of pre-thinking, its application though challenging is fine-tuned by Scholaranium. I think Scholaranium is a wonderful tool which provides a lot of good feedback for the student. No one is perfect at Scholaranium so do not expect perfect green bars with 90 percentiles in everything. It’s a tool improve score. Hence, use it extensively, attend to the weak areas again and again. That’s what Scholaranium is there to do, build foundations out of failures.

Finally, the Sigma X mock tests are quite accurate in their representation of the GMAT. In all honesty, my GMAT experience was quite humbling. At the start, we are all heroes in our own stories. Hence, we believe that we are infallible and expect 800 right off the bat. The Sigma X mock tests helped me come back to reality and understand the challenge but the analytics behind them was the real help which showed me how to take a successful test. I think what many students fail to grasp is that the GMAT is more of a test of planning your failures rather than concentrating on your successes. This is what the Sigma X mock tests can catch and show well through its data analytics.

Overall, the e-GMAT course is definitely the best for an online mode of preparation. It was the best for me with my busy schedule and numerous activities. Finally, I would say it was a marvelous experience and a joyful journey. Thank you for all the help, e-GMAT team.

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