June 22, 2021

Joined: Apr 14, 2020

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e-GMAT Prep Review


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

Let me take you through my GMAT preparation journey.

I took my first GMAT attempt without entirely appreciating the depth of the ocean called GMAT and rather unsurprisingly I drowned without getting close to my target.

It was a proper jolt and I quickly realized that I needed help to get over the GMAT hurdle. Thankfully by that time GMAT Club was my trusted guide and going through the GMAT Club community, looking for members who did well on the GMAT and the resources they used, the name that kept popping up was that of e-GMAT.

So I reached out to e-GMAT and my first interaction with the team was the free e-GMAT one-on-one ESR review where I was blown away by the depth of insights that the mentor was able to derive from the ESR. I went ahead and booked my subscription to the e-GMAT platform on the same day.

Thankfully, the platform was all I could hope for and more. Not only did the coursework have a lot of depth, the ample amount of application files and practice files meant that I could cement a lot of the concepts in the first phase of preparation itself.

Talking of specific courses, in Verbal CR was always my Achilles heel and the e-GMAT concepts of pre-thinking and spending more time with the question stem, properly analysing and breaking down every part of it proved to be a gamechanger for me. In addition to this, in SC understanding the meaning-based approach gave me an extra weapon in my arsenal to go along with process of elimination to deal with SC questions with more confidence.

But the most crucial value addition of the e-GMAT platform is in the Scholaranium 2.0 section. From my experience, beyond a point, most people struggle to raise their score or get out of a rut that they are caught in because they aren't able to figure out where they are going wrong and this is because they are unable to perform structured and deep-rooted analysis of their mistakes. This is where Scholaranium 2.0 comes in handy and acts as a personal guide, walking you through every mistake, every block, every topic that needs further work. The interactive charts help you map out your ability improvement across sections and sub-sections as time progresses. It tells you which kind of questions are draining most of your time and how can you go about correcting them. It really makes life as a student very convenient and answers the what and how when it comes to making improvements in prep strategy.

Besides, what sets e-GMAT apart is how responsive the mentors and experts on the platform are in responding to student queries. In my personal experience, I have never had to wait for more than 24 hours to get a response to my queries, and just the mere knowledge that there are experts ready and willing to promptly respond to your doubts and queries leads to a much more relaxed and focused prep.

So to close the loop, I would highly recommend e-GMAT to anyone who is in the GMAT prep journey and is looking for a comprehensive platform to cater to all their prep needs.

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