June 19, 2021

Joined: Mar 14, 2021

Posts: 3

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V37

710- Thanks to the egmat!!


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

My GMAT score was stuck between 640-660 from last three years. I had taken the egmat subscription earlier , but i did not utilize it fully that time because of my overconfidence.

After my 6th attempt in Dec-2020, I was completely devastated. I was not able to figure out what was lacking in my prep. I thought to give up on GMAT. Luckily, while searching for GMAT debriefs I came across one of the egmat’s debrief with title "730 on 6th Attempt” by Vinayak. Had I not seen that 1 hour debrief, I would not have attempted GMAT again. After seeing the debrief, I realised that I need expert’s advice. So I reached out to egmat team for the first time for help.

The detailed ESR analysis and feedback by DJ- gave me a ray of hope. Without further delay, I enrolled for the course again and this time with a "BEGINNER'S MIND"

How egmat changed my entire study approach and utimately my verbal ability for my last attempt?



a) SC- Meaning based approach improved my SC accuracy and the timing to solve question was reduced.
Egmat verbal expert Shraddha'S SC videos are just great!! It gave me right approach for SC. I always used to listen her in-detail analysis of SC Questions.

b) CR- I never knew before that mastering assumption type question is key to other kinds of CR questions(Evaluate/Strenghten/Weaken)
Prethink - helped me to comprehend and visualise the passage clearly
C) RC- Para summary and linking the para contents.
Egmat verbal expert Harshavardhan's video solutions were very helpful for me to correct my approach for CR/RC questions and for prethinking.

2. Scholaranium and Questions forum- "TO GAUGE PERFORMANCE AND ANALYSE WEAK AREAS"

There are three kinds of quiz : Cementing, Custom and Ability quiz.
I used cementing quiz to strengthen the topics i was weak at. Custom quiz - for when I wanted to do mixed set of question types.

Scholaranium 2.0 also had great features like statistics of my performance. For instance- after each quiz I got a review list( with comparsion between recommended and actual time u took).It was much easier to pick the questions for review.

The main advantages of practising questions in Scholaranium were :I got detailed solutions and systematic approach from egmat-experts to solve each question; if i had doubts i used to go through all the past queries from different students ; Many a times i had posted my own queries and the replies from Verbal experts-Harshavardhan/Bikramjit/Stacey/Aarthi were to the point and cleared my concepts.

3. Egmat strategy support team - " TO SEEK IMPROVEMENT PLAN AND FEEDBACK"

At one point i felt even after completing the intense verbal course my scores in scholarnium were not up to the mark.So,I reached out to the egmat support team for help.

The most important advice I got was from Archit(Egmat strategy team member) . I am just copying his words as is “Identify Root cause –Strategically review the last 30 questions you have d one in CR(any quiz taken). This is non-negotiable. Create an error log, make notes and revise both."
I started to see patterns in my mistakes. Slowly, I was able to see that I was making similar kind of mistakes repeteadly. I followed the same approach for all verbal and quant sub-sections.For a particular section/subsection, I revised all my previous error logs (even 4 months old error logs) before my next study session/quiz . My main aim during the process was “NOT TO REPEAT ANY MISTAKE”. I followed this method deligently and it worked like magic for me :)

I strategically reviewed two types of questions as suggested by Nava and Archit(Egmat strategy team members)

i)Incorrect ones - What was the root cause that I made this mistake
ii)Correct questions solved in more than recommended time(TAKT time) - Why did I take more time? Was it the comprehension issue? Or Options visualisation issue? or something else

4. Egmat Bookmark and Notes features - " TO REVISE FREQUENTLY"

The weekly webinars by egmat team are just a great initiative to engage students. Through those webinars i got more insights about certain concepts and strategies.

6. Last Week unexpected help from egmat- just 1 week before my GMAT date. They invited me for the egmat milestone program, and even though only 1 week was left for my exam I enrolled for it ( because this time I wanted all the help I can get). Atreya Roy was my mentor. He analysed my last mock and provided me 1 week improvement plan and sequence of execution for topics to study. This last minute help gave a extra confidence for the actual GMAT day.

I would not have achieved 700+ without egmat’s extended support.

I have learnt that it's important to seek help and learn from other’s mistakes. Life is too short to make them all yourself.

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