June 01, 2021

Joined: Apr 01, 2018

Posts: 1

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V40

Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I started my GMAT journey back in 2019 and I joined an offline course (deliberately not mentioning the name) however, I did not felt confident at all specially in Verbal section. I tried few mocks and I observed huge variations in scores. I realised this is probably because I did not had any strategy in mind before attempting the exam and in Verbal section I was spending too much time in CR and RC section.

I postponed my plan as I had to travel to UK for work. I came back in 2020 and I decided to start my preparations afresh. I started looking for the best online courses and everywhere I could see just one name "e-GMAT". I decided to try it out first using the free trial and I really liked the intuitive yet simple structure of the course. I then decided to subscribe for the GMAT online course and not just Verbal as although my Quant concepts were clear, I did not had a good strategy in mind. I was scoring good 700+ in official mocks and e-GMAT mocks but I got nervous on test day in August 2020 and performed badly scoring a 610. I reached out to e-GMAT team to understand what went wrong and Archit helped me with the strategy for next attempt. He sent a detailed plan on how to use Scholaranium to cement my concepts and improve my accuracy. I also watched many youtube videos to prepare a test strategy and tested it in my mocks.
Today, I feel so happy to take that right decision at the right time as I converted both my dream colleges (IIMA and ISB).

What I found most helpful in the course was:

1) SC - Meaning based approach is something that can make your life way easier. I was too afraid in the beginning because I never felt confident with grammar rules no matter how much I revised and practiced them. E-gmat taught me that it is okay to not be 100% versed with all the rules (though there is no harm). What you need most for GMAT SC is logic and understand the meaning behind the sentence. With grammar rules you may be able to eliminate 3 out 5 options but the right answer will test you on meaning.

2) CR – I feel pre-thinking is key to all CR questions in GMAT and this is what e-GMAT CR course was focused on . I really liked how the course does not confuse you with so many types of CR questions that are there in GMAT but instead teaches you basics and organically makes you capable to solve all types of questions with same approach at the end.

3) RC – The best thing about RC course was writing down a short summary while reading the passage. With enough practice it doesn’t take much time and in fact overall I used to spend just 5 minutes at the end for long passage set.

4) Quant – I improved my accuracy a lot using Scholaranium. The team provides different target percent that one should achieve in the practice before moving to next practice set. This helped me a lot in cementing my concepts.

I would highly recommend the e-GMAT course to all GMAT aspirants regardless whether you are starting afresh or have some experience with the exam. The course totally changes your perspective towards the exam. Also, the team is highly responsive I used to get all my doubts clear in the portal almost the same day itself. If you are facing any other challenges (apart from concepts/problems) even then you can reach out to the team and I am sure they will have some solution.

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