January 18, 2021

Joined: Oct 21, 2020

Posts: 6

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38 (Online)

Absolutely disastrous content from e-GMAT


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

Let's talk about e-GMAT's practice to allure prospective students into buying their packages.
They have a lecture for QR where they will assess your level and then recommend you a path you should follow to improve. In that lecture, the standard of questions used is so far from actual questions that appear on GMAT exams that that exam can never be a fine predictor of where you're at. The questions in e-GMAT's test are purposefully constructed to waste your time, making it absolutely difficult for students to write that exam well and in time. Well, even if I'm wrong about the malice in their intent, that exam would mean that e-GMAT absolutely incompetent in predicting what kind of help a student needs. Anyway, the result is that students feel knackered, and end up purchasing their online course. This is what exactly happened with me at least.

Even their sigma-X mock exams follow a similar pattern. Their SC questions only try to increase the difficulty level by increasing the length of almost every SC question, a situation that would never occur on real GMAT exam.

My point is, e-GMAT's course is so far away from what would appear on a real GMAT that it can't be a great estimation of your score, and their course can't take a student in the right direction. My scores in Sigma-X under standard conditions were 610 and 580.

One final point, a nonnative who has studied courses throughout their life in English should never purchase their study materials to prepare for Verbal. The reading comprehension course does nothing to add to abilities of such students.

Someone might argue that I got a 610 in sigma-X and 610 on real GMAT. I could talk at length on why I failed miserably in my first GMAT attempt, but in nut-shell, it had nothing to do with e-GMAT. I did fairly well in my second attempt, and it definitely did not have anything to do with e-GMAT. I simply left using their materials after assessing the quality of their questions.

Their course is not reflective of reality, so take anything they advertise with a grain of salt.

If you see this e-GMAT, please don't write that I did not complete your modules to actually benefit from them, just like you respond to other negative reviews. I was in a good position to assess that your courses were not taking me anywhere in my GMAT saga.
And I agree I'm venting out my frustration because I feel this is the worst way I could have spent $299.

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