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Preparing for GMAT can be frustrating but what makes it even more frustrating is the decision to select a course provider given numerous options in the market. E-GMAT stands out in this list of options for a variety of reasons. One of the best features I found on GMAT is the cementing mechanism which helps one drill the concepts learnt while applying them to actual questions for each topic which can be specifically beneficial if you already have foundations built and are looking to improve your score. Also the sectional tests and the actual mocks on e-gmat resonate with the actual test you will face on your exam date. Another important feature is that for each quiz or test you take you can customize it with difficulty levels of questions you want to attempt. This helps you build consistency by attempting a particular difficulty level which is crucial for securing a high score.
I used the e-gmat product for only 20 days during my journey to improve my score by 60 points to a 695 in focus edition. The last mile push program was pivotal in helping me identify my weaknesses and fill crucial skill gaps required for a high score.