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Scholoranium questions, Mocks and DI learning Modules.
Would make the product better:
User interface matching like that of GMAT. Maybe have a confirm answer option that takes up a few seconds in the actual GMAT.
I have used multiple GMATstudy sources and I can certainly say that the quality, versatility and ease of using e-gmat stands out. The learning modules, cementing quiz and timely feedback from mentors really helped me achieve my score. Scholoranium has some really amazing questions for practice. E-gmat mocks provide detailed insights and analytics to analyze one's weakness and are some of the closest mocks to the OG. I couldn't find a course that provides Data Insights learning modules in such depth and the support from my mentor Rashmi has been commendable. I will highly recommend e-gmat to anyone who want to learn at their own pace.