September 19, 2024

Joined: May 08, 2024

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Focus score:
675 Q86 V84 DI81

Got a 675 on first attempt


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

My first GMAT mock score was 505, and I knew that I would need a program, that would give me the necessary skill sets to reach the mountain top.
I knew my weakness is the VERBAL section, and was looking for a course that would help me gradually build up key skillsets and was affordable.
I shortlisted a couple of courses and tested a couple of them on their trial versions. Once I experienced e-gmat’s course I immediately knew it was the one. The course was structured, had a good reputation and was affordable. I even attended a couple of webinars held by Rajat and Payal and was immediately impressed.

For those who want quick tips / best practices for GMAT prep, I have listed my top 3 below:
Make sure to classify your errors in your error log and also any additional comments (such as Why did I falter or Why did I take so long or Correction Steps) should be as descriptive as possible.
Don’t worry if a strategy does not work for you, instead research for other strategies that best fit you.
Our brain works best in its most calm state, knowing how to get to that state is very important. For me, taking a deep breath for 5 seconds really helped me.
Be perfect in a section before moving to the next during preparation.
For those looking for details into my Preparation Strategy and D-Day Experience I have provided them below:

Preparation Strategy:
I prepared for GMAT in the following sections order one by one: VERBAL / QUANT / DI
I followed e-gmat’s detailed study plan, completed the cementing quizzes and also worked on the OG Questions before moving on to the next section.
A couple of tips from e-GMAT which really resonated with me were:

For Verbal:
Pre-thinking possible answers for RC Questions.
Mastering Reading Comprehension, by pausing at various points, to try to assimilate what that sentence meant and what is its relation with the content mentioned previously.
For Quant:
Making inferences of statements mentioned in the question stem.
For DI:
Understanding / Owning the dataset by taking small examples and making 1-2 observations
Calculating various values such as means, variance etc. from graphs quickly.

Post my preparation, I worked on my accuracy in e-gmat's scholaranium, trying to reach the 90% accuracy in medium questions and hard questions as well. Every mistake I made was logged in the Error log (provided by e-gmat) in a descriptive manner to truly understand what my mistake was.

I gave 10 Full length Mocks with different combinations of sectional orders, to see how my progress was and take the required steps to make any correction to my process, or mannerisms when writing the test. I noticed I was consistently doing well in QUANT, however, there were many peaks and valleys in my VERBAL and DI scores.

I realized I was taking too long to answer Verbal Questions especially CR which gave me very little time to complete questions in the end with good accuracy. For verbal, I created a document on the types of traps GMAT commonly used and was actively looking for these traps in the options. Similarly for DI, I realized I was taking too much time in answering MSR questions. To manage my time, I referred to the "Timing Strategies page" on the GMAT Club forum, and followed the processes mentioned in it. These changes in my strategy made very large improvements in my score.

My final 2 mocks I managed to score 655 and I found that my best results came when I attempted in QUANT-DI-VERBAL order. I felt the reason for this was QUANT was my best section, and it gave me the necessary boost to attempt the remaining sections with confidence. I kept VERBAL for last just after the 10 minute break, so as to avoid mental fatigue and bad decision making.

D-Day Experience:

On the day of my exam, I attempted a few easy questions, before giving the actual exam so as to get my confidence high and hit the ground with an active state of mind.

During the exam, I felt confident and calm. As I expected, QUANT went well for me, and I managed to get only 3 wrong answers. However, DI section hit me like a train, I felt that I was getting lost in thoughts and started taking longer than normal, after 5 questions I knew if I kept going in this manner my performance would not be good. So, I took 5 seconds, to recuperate my focus by taking a deep breath and got back into the game.
With this a switch turned on and I started answering questions more quickly and faster. Finally, I managed to get 15/20 questions right.

I took my 10-minute break and prepared myself for the VERBAL section mentally and physically. When I got back, I quickly created a grid to help me not look back at options I had rejected on solid grounds. After every 5 questions I would quickly review how my progress was and make sure necessary corrections were made in the next 5 questions. I knew I was lacking time to complete 4 questions in 5 minutes, so I randomly put 4 answers to, and I made sure to answer 3 out of 4 of these questions properly, by changing their answer post submission. Finally, I got 17/23 questions right.

I was elated when I saw my provisional score and I knew that it was time to celebrate. I want to thank everyone from the e-gmat team for their immense support and prompt attention to all my queries.

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