October 19, 2023

Joined: Nov 12, 2022

Posts: 13

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q51 V44

Verbal is good.


Improvement 170 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


The Verbal section was good, especially the practice questions after each section. Helped me build my knowledge step by step.

Would make the product better:

I prefer to read and learn at my own pace. E-Gmat mostly has video explanations for everything. Though they did have written explanations for lots of questions, I would love to see more of that so people have the option to read or watch a video.

Quant: I didn't really do most of the Lessons for quant from e-gmat, but I did do practice questions for all topics, and those were nothing to complain about. All questions had good explanations.

Verbal: I did all the lessons for verbal, and it really helped me. The questions were well explained and the content was quite good as well. I really used to struggle with SC, but all the tips and tricks taught in the course helped me improve. I didn't really retain most of the grammar rules by the end of the course, but I did gain an understanding of how to go about solving a question and analyzing the problems.

December 01, 2023

Hi Sidag991

Congratulations on this amazing score of 770!!!

Your hard work and dedication make you truly deserving of your place at the top.

They say, "Success is not a destination but a journey of continuous improvement."

Your journey is a testiment to the above statement Despite scoring a 740, you went on to improve even further and ended up with a mammoth GMAT 770.

it's good that you realized that you needed help and decided to take guidance at the right moment since minute is precious in GMAT prep and every decision has its impact on the outcome.

I commend your thorough approach to building a solid foundation. You meticulously navigated every aspect of the Verbal course, leaving no file unexplored. Your commitment to this groundwork is clearly demonstrated in the image below.

Your Verbal preparation journey commenced with a dedicated focus on establishing a robust base for yourself. As a result, you were able to internalize both the Meaning-based approach (SC) and the Pre-thinking approach (CR). This effective combination led to a massive 13-point improvement in your Verbal score from V31 (58th Percentile) to V44 (98th Percentile), which is clearly illustrated in the image with your Verbal Scholaranium stats below.

The result of your diligence was that the Meaning-based approach became instinctive to you and gave you the direction you need to improve you SC abilities. Your SC progression is worth a glance

Despite facing challenges with the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section of the GMAT, you demonstrated remarkable resilience and determination. Rather than letting the setback demotivate you, you rallied and dedicated yourself wholeheartedly to the preparation in the following days. Your unwavering efforts and commitment proved to be the turning point, propelling you to achieve remarkable success in the GMAT. This journey reflects not only your ability to overcome obstacles but also your resilience in the face of adversity. It's a testament to your grit and tenacity, showcasing that setbacks can be stepping stones to greater achievements.

We are thrilled to have been a part of your GMAT journey.

All the best!

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