June 19, 2022

Joined: Mar 04, 2022

Posts: 1

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q48 V40

E-GMAT is formidable, you won't regret it


Improvement 20 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

To prepare for the GMAT I knew that I had to focus on Verbal side, because my math was already strong. I used one of the already well-known platforms and prepared for about 6 weeks. I got a 700 Q49 and V35. After all that preparation my verbal was still weak, and I knew it because I wasn’t feeling confident when answering the questions. I started to explore other options, talking to friends and reading reviews. Many people pointed me out to E-GMAT, especially for the verbal section.
When I wrote to them describing my situation and my need to improve in Verbal, within a couple of hours someone wrote me back proposing to have a Zoom call, stating that I needed a specialized plan to achieve my target score. I was already overwhelmed; I was used to the typical bot e-mails from the other platforms that do nothing but get you on your nerves, because you know they ain’t made for you. After having the Zoom call with the E-GMAT expert, we looked at my ESR and went on with a specialized plan for me. I started right away with the SC module.
The SC module is the best course that I could find for GMAT…by FAR. It is so well designed to help you tackle SC questions. I barely made any mistakes after doing the course and was feeling 200% confident. The meaning approach method is the KEY. Meaning is everything in SC, I am telling you this from experience. On my first attempt, after reading option A, I went directly looking for splits; that is not the right way. If you get the meaning right, then the rest comes alone. Therefore, I was feeling ready to go for the GMAT again and starting taking mock exams that the platform offers you. Since I was still struggling with CR and RC, I wasn’t getting to my target score. It was there when Payal, co-founder of E-GMAT, wrote to me personally. She is so deeply committed with the students of E-GMAT that she does a routine audit of student progression. She noticed that though I was doing some things right, I wasn’t getting other things right and gave me specific instructions on how to proceed with my hyper-specific study plan. Payal then assigned me to Rida, one of the experts from E-GMAT. Rida really helped me plan everything. She gave me insights into my performances based on my Scholoranium performances. She continuously helped me create a plan to improve my weak areas until I was finally ready to move on. Overall, I had a wonderful experience with Rida and I would really recommend her.
I then continued with the CR course, and although it does not have many concepts to master, the pre-thinking approach used by E-GMAT really helped me master CR. It helped me understand the importance of classifying the arguments into conclusions and premises and pre-think all the possible approaches to work on it. I then finished the verbal section with the RC course, which is centered around really getting the meaning of the passage, by connecting sentences and inferring what the authors intends to say, emphasizing not to read fast or skip-read, but take your time to understand the passage. In the end, it takes you less time because you don’t have to come back to the passage for every question.
Finally, I would also give a 100% vow for the Scholaranium platform and question bank. It includes detailed analytics on sub-sections that make it so easy to identify your weak and strong areas. Scholaranium also includes 5 mocks, which are almost the same to the real exam (and I’ve tried many free mocks from different sources, all have flaws and do not resemble the real exam).
Summing up, having tried other platforms, E-GMAT is the very best among the market. If I were you, I wouldn’t doubt a second about choosing it, especially if you are struggling in Verbal.

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